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Assessment mode

Remove the gamification and just focus on assessment.

This is an additional option available if you start a game as a homework. For a more general overview of the Homework option, see here.

Assessment mode is designed for pure assessment. That is, you don’t want to use it as a race but let students answer the questions in their own time and check their knowledge individually. It removes the competitive aspect by making all other players invisible from the player’s view.


It also disables gamification elements like powerups and answer streaks. Here’s how you can start a game in assessment mode:

  1. Launch a game in homework mode:
Notion image
  1. After selecting a map, enable “Assessment mode” on the launch screen:
Notion image

When assessment mode is enabled, the options for powerups and answer streaks will automatically be disabled.


The player’s view will be no longer display other players on the map view and the leader board will also be hidden:

Notion image

From the teacher’s perspective everything will look the same. You will still be able to see all the players on your screen.

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