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Practice mode

Keep your quiz open as a permanent link for your students to practice.


This feature is designed to allow students to practice in their own time. They can choose to practice all the questions in the quiz, or select a subset.


How to enable practice mode

To enable practice mode, you will find the option in your quiz settings.

  1. Edit your quiz: Click the menu option on the quiz and select Edit.
  1. Access settings: From the editor page, click the gear button to access the quiz settings:
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  1. Enable practice mode: Toggle the switch to enable the practice link in the edit quiz details popup:
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  1. Share the link: Once enabled, you can view and share the permanent Practice Mode link, which will be shown as a blue banner at the top of your quiz screen (note: this banner will only be visible to you, the creator of the quiz).
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The blue banner will show at the top of the quiz details page with the practice mode link. You can also disable the practice mode link here by toggling the switch. For easy sharing with your students, you can click the QR code button to view a QR code (click on the QR code to download and then print it off).


What Practice mode looks like

Practice mode is very simple - it only consists of the questions and feedback / explanations. There is no map movement or gamification other than a score and answer streaks.


Students simply navigate to the link and they can enter their name before hitting the start button:

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The next screen will allow them to select the questions they want to practice:

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Note that there is also a settings button which allows the student to randomize the questions or disable question timers (if applicable):

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Once they’ve selected the questions they want to practice, the first one will be presented in a stripped down version of what you see in a QuizWhizzer game:

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Students simply progress through the questions until the end where they are given their final score and can review their answers. The floating green button allows them to exit the session at any point.

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You will notice there is also a “Try again” button. Pressing this will present the student the option to try again either with the same questions they just did or they can select a new subset of questions from the quiz.

We hope this makes a great revision tool for your students!

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